How to Adjust a Mechanical Watch That Runs Fast or Slow – Simple Steps

Many people use mechanical watches but may not know how to deal with issues like a watch running fast or slow, which can be problematic during daily use. Let’s explore some simple ways to adjust a mechanical watch that runs fast or slow and may have incorrect time settings. Join Mon Luxury1:1 Replica Watches to immediately refer to useful information through the article below.

What is a Mechanical Watch? Types of Mechanical Watches

A mechanical watch is considered special because it doesn’t rely on battery power or electronic energy; instead, it operates through the mechanical movement of winding or the natural motion of your wrist.

How to Adjust a Mechanical Watch That Runs Fast or Slow – Simple Steps (3)

Mechanical watches can be divided into three types:

  1. Classic Mechanical Watches: These are the ancestors of advanced mechanical watches and have a very simple structure. They operate based on the winding of the mainspring and generally do not use complex electronic components.
  2. Automatic Mechanical Watches: These are an upgraded version of classic mechanical watches, offering more convenience. Instead of frequently winding the mainspring, these watches store energy from wrist movements. Wearing the watch for around 8 hours a day should keep it running accurately.
  3. Automatic Mechanical Watches with Hand-Winding: These watches combine the features of classic mechanical and automatic watches. They can be powered by wrist movements or manually wound, giving you flexibility.

How Do Mechanical Watches Work?

For a mechanical watch to function properly, it must have five main components: the mainspring, gears, escapement mechanism, balance wheel, and hands. Mechanical watches operate according to the principle of energy conservation, converting energy from manual winding or wrist movement into the energy needed to operate the watch.

How to Adjust a Mechanical Watch That Runs Fast or Slow – Simple Steps (3)

Reasons for a Fast-Running Watch – How to Fix It

Cause: Temperature Affecting the Watch

  • Mechanical watches typically function best at temperatures between 5 to 35 degrees Celsius. Operating outside this range can cause the watch to run too fast.


  • If your watch is exposed to temperatures outside the recommended range, you can mitigate the issue by tilting the watch up or down to regulate its accuracy.

Cause: Magnetic Interference

  • Watches are sensitive to strong magnetic fields from devices like TVs and refrigerators, which can lead to magnetic interference and cause the watch to run fast.

How to Adjust a Mechanical Watch That Runs Fast or Slow – Simple Steps (3)


  • Keep the watch away from strong magnetic sources. If your watch has been affected by magnetism, it’s best to take it to a service center for demagnetization.

Cause: Over-Winding

  • Over-winding the watch can lead to it running too fast, as it causes increased friction and stress on the gear components.


  • Ensure you don’t over-wind the watch, and use proper winding techniques to prevent excessive tension on the mainspring.

Cause: Component Defects

  • Rarely, a mechanical watch may run fast due to manufacturing defects, such as faulty components or misaligned gears.


  • In cases of manufacturing defects, consult a professional watchmaker or the watch manufacturer for repairs or replacements.

Reasons for a Slow-Running Watch – How to Fix It

Cause: Temperature Affecting the Watch

  • Extreme temperatures outside the recommended range can also cause the watch to run slowly.


  • Place the watch face up overnight to help it stabilize and regain accuracy.

Cause: Physical Shocks

  • Mechanical watches consist of delicate, interconnected components, and excessive shock or impact can affect their accuracy.


  • If your watch has been subjected to physical shocks, take it to a service center for assessment and repair.

Cause: Hands Touching the Dial or Crystal

  • In some cases, hands touching the watch’s face or crystal can create friction and slow down the watch.


  • If this occurs, you can gently adjust the hands to ensure they do not touch the dial or crystal.

Cause: Dry Lubricants

  • Over time, the lubricants inside the watch can dry out, leading to increased friction and slower movement.


  • Regularly check and lubricate the watch’s components as needed. This may require the expertise of a professional watchmaker.

How to Adjust a Mechanical Watch That Runs Fast or Slow – Simple Steps (3)

Cause: Weak Mainspring

  • With prolonged use, a mechanical watch’s mainspring can weaken, causing it to lose its elasticity and slow down.


  • To maintain optimal performance, periodically check the mainspring’s condition and replace it if necessary.

Cause: Low Battery in Quartz Watches

  • Although most mechanical watches don’t use batteries, if you have a quartz watch (which uses a battery), a low battery can cause it to run slow.


  • For quartz watches, replace the battery when it runs low to restore accurate timekeeping.\

How to Adjust a Mechanical Watch That Runs Fast or Slow – Simple Steps (3)

How to Adjust the Accuracy of a Mechanical Watch

To adjust the accuracy of a mechanical watch, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the Watch Strap: Take off the watch strap to facilitate adjustments.
  2. Access the Inner Components: Open the watch back and locate the regulator.
  3. Locate the Regulator Lever: Inside the watch, identify the regulator lever, which is typically small and located near the balance wheel.
  4. Adjust for Fast Running: To make the watch run slower, gently move the regulator lever in the direction of the watch’s hands (clockwise). This will reduce the length of the hairspring and slow down the movement.
  5. Adjust for Slow Running: To make the watch run faster, gently move the regulator lever in the opposite direction of the watch’s hands (counterclockwise). This will increase the length of the hairspring and speed up the movement.
  6. Reassemble the Watch: After making the adjustment, carefully reassemble the watch, ensuring all components are correctly placed.

How to Adjust a Mechanical Watch That Runs Fast or Slow – Simple Steps (3)

Important Notes When Adjusting a Watch:

  • If you can’t see the regulator lever, you may need to tilt the watch instead of disassembling it further.
  • Be gentle when adjusting the regulator lever to avoid damaging it.
  • Use specialized tools for disassembling and reassembling the watch, and avoid direct contact with your hands on the watch components.
  • After adjusting the watch, wear it regularly for 3 to 4 days to allow it to stabilize and regain accuracy.
  • Keep the watch away from strong magnetic sources, extreme temperatures, and physical shocks to maintain its accuracy.

In cases where you’re unsure about adjusting your watch or if you encounter issues beyond basic adjustments, it’s advisable to consult a professional watchmaker or take your watch to an authorized service center for accurate and safe repairs.